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Diamond ProTech's Technology Is Next Level

Diamond ProTech® Coatings are not ceramic coatings. We have created nanodiamond and polymer composites that outperform today’s ceramic coatings in ways that makes this a breakthrough technology.

Nanodiamond Breakthrough Technology

Diamond ProTech’s patented technology has revolutionized the way the world’s hardest inorganic polymer (perhydropolysilazane – PHPS) is used. We invented a breakthrough method to merge a matrix of enriched nanodiamonds with inorganic PHPS to create a flexible coating appropriate for cars.
Diamond ProTech offers breakthrough technology for both consumers and professional automotive detailers:

  • Ease of Use – our products are easier to use than existing technologies, quickly inspiring confidence during the application process.
  • Efficient Application Process – faster curing times allow for quicker turnaround time.
  • Heat and UV-resistantHydrophobic – amazing water repellency that lasts
  • True 9H Hardness – highest abrasion resistance that technology can offer
  • Ecologically Cleaner – minimal environmental impact
  • Tactile Feel – Super Smooth! Like no other product on the market today.

Innovation is in our DNA

Diamond ProTech’s coatings are based on an innovative combination of enriched nanodiamonds and perhydropolysilazane (PHPS).

Diamonds are the hardest natural material on the planet. When reduced down to nano size and enriched, they can be blended with polymers. Diamond ProTech has mastered the mixing of enriched nanodiamonds and PHPS to create an evenly distributed, diamond armored, elastic coating with inherent hydrophobic characteristics.

Perhydropolysilazane is the hardest of transparent silicon-based polymers that cure at natural temperatures. It is heat- resistant, UV-resistant, water-repellent, and provides the highest surface hardness and abrasion resistance that technology can offer. Inorganic versions will not react with organic elements, thereby reducing corrosion.

  • Diamond Armored
  • Scratch Resistant
  • Oleophobic & Dirt Repelling
  • Corrosion & Oxidation Resistant
  • Tree Sap & Bird Dropping Resistant
  • Enhanced Water Beading
  • Chemical Resitant
  • UV Resistant
  • Diamond Armored
  • Scratch Resistant
  • Oleophobic & Dirt Repelling
  • Corrosion & Oxidation Resistant
  • Tree Sap & Bird Dropping Resistant
  • Enhanced Water Beading
  • Chemical Resitant
  • UV Resistant
  • Diamond Armored
  • Scratch Resistant
  • Oleophobic & Dirt Repelling
  • Corrosion & Oxidation Resistant
  • Tree Sap & Bird Dropping Resistant
  • Enhanced Water Beading
  • Chemical Resitant
  • UV Resistant
  • Diamond Armored
  • Scratch Resistant
  • Oleophobic & Dirt Repelling
  • Corrosion & Oxidation Resistant
  • Tree Sap & Bird Dropping Resistant
  • Enhanced Water Beading
  • Chemical Resitant
  • UV Resistant

Composite Coating Pioneers

The Science of Nanodiamonds

Our enriched nanodiamond coatings fill the micropores of your vehicle’s body, creating a smooth, even surface armed with millions of nanodiamond particles locked in a molecular matrix anchored on the car’s clearcoat. Whether on a car body or its windows, the dirt and water repellency performance provided by Diamond ProTech coatings will amaze you.

Surface view of car paintwork before and after Diamond ProTech coating.

Studies were carried out using a high resolution Tescan® Mira LMU electron microscope

Ease of Application Features

Diamond ProTech coatings are designed with the professional detailer in mind. Our products combine ease of application and high performance without compromising either characteristic. We have engineered our coatings to flash slowly enough to allow a very controlled and stress-free application process. No need to worry about difficult to remove high spots ever again! 


Many coatings use solvents which evaporate slowly forcing the coated car to be kept for up to 24 hours in a controlled environment so that the coating polymers can bond to the car body. Diamond ProTech coatings are engineered to minimize downtime during the application process. We use the cleanest, fastest-evaporating solvents, allowing the polymers to quickly bond with the car body which almost immediately solidifies into the protective layer.

Cars can be prepped, coated and returned to customers in the same day.


Diamond ProTech coatings have been tested and verified by SGS ( the world’s leading independent test company. They documented that nanodiamonds, enriched by our proprietary processes, take on superhydrophobic characteristics on top of what hydrophobic characteristics that PHPS already provides.

The pictures on the right show a 142° contact angle of a drop of water on enriched nanodiamond particles.

Measurement of the contact angle on enriched nanodiamonds

Hydrophobic properties of nanodiamonds were evaluated using an OCA 20 tensiometer (DataPhysics Instruments GmbH). Nanodiamonds were applied to the paper and liquid (distilled water, T = 24 °C ), V drop = 6 μl

Efficient Layering & Thickness

Diamond Protech coatings are so superior, they don’t require more than one application layer. Yet multiple layering provides additional benefits. Some customers may want a deeper finish or even longer performance. For those situations, Diamond ProTech offers professional detailers the most efficient layering in the industry. Many other products have solvent bases which will partially degrade the previous coating on application so in the end, you only end up with an additional 20% – 50% of thickness after two layers are applied. Diamond ProTech uniquely offers 1:1 layering.

Actual Thickness

Our coating technology allows for a 1:1 build up with each layer added. When using Diamond ProTech Nanodiamond Composite Coatings, you will be adding the strongest protection available on the market today.

Applying any of our coating products to a new vehicle increases the quantity and quality of protection provided by the car manufacturer. (Image on the right)

When applied to a used car, you are restoring the sacrificial gelcoat layer protecting the original paint work which degrades over time. (Image on the left)

Coated Sample Of A Used Car

These measurements done under a Tescan® scanning electron microscope shows a sample of a car body with factory paint coated with our Diamond Pro Body 120 package. 

Measurements were done on coated and uncoated panels to retrieve the coating thickness measurement.

DIamond ProTech coatings do not degrade their base coatings so that two layers results in a full 2x coating!

Independent Testing On Diamond ProTech Products

See how our nanodiamond technology held up during independent testing

Long Lasting

Diamond ProTech coatings are designed to last for years and years. There are many measures of durability yet one of the most popular tests is the Taber Abrasion Test.

SGS Test Results

The Taber Abrasion test using Diamond ProTech Composite Coating “increased the abrasion resistance of the original automotive coating by +1017%” which is an abrasion resistance comparable to glass. Tests: Taber Abrasion Test – ASTM D4060

+1017% Abrasion Resistance compared to OEM clearcoat

Proven Hardness From Independent Labs

In the coating industry, a product’s hardness or ability to resist scratches can be measured by the Pencil Scale. Diamond ProTech Nanodiamond Technology has been tested and verified by SGS, the world’s leading testing and certification company.

SGS Test Results

Diamond ProTech nanodiamond coatings have been certified to achieve a Pencil Scale Hardness of 9H.

Tests: Pencil Scale Hardness Test – ASTM D3363.

Strong against corrosion & UV

Simulation of tough environmental corrosion and mechanical damage tests on Diamond ProTech Composite Coating applied on OEM automobile coatings showed better abrasion, corrosion and better UV protection characteristics than the original automotive coating.

SGS Test Results

Diamond ProTech coatings passed all tests without showing defects, such as delamination, crack, blister, or rust. Tests: Neutral Salt Spray – ASTM B117 – 480hrs Adhesion Grade – ISO240 Corrosion/ Delamination – ISO4628-8

No Defects Under Harsh Weathering

High Level of Chemical Resistance

Samples of the original car body segment steel base (with original car paint) were provided to SGS laboratories to undergo various comparative testing programs. They were next compared to the same car body segments protected with Diamond ProTech Composite Coating.

SGS Test Results

Diamond ProTech Composite Coating belongs to the category of “High Level of Chemical Resistance” and is resistant to acids and alkali chemical agents with a pH of 1-14. Tests: Concentrated Acid and Alkali Resistance Tests – ISO2812-1 (modified).

pH 1-14 Chemical Resistant

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